Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do you wear mini-skirts with tights?

I'm still up at this hour, can you imagine it? I just want to get as much work out of the way as it's the weekend. I may take the kids back to my mom's tomorrow, or maybe go over to my sister's house and mess up her kitchen. She has a huge oven and i have a million and one things that i want to bake.

Ever since the electricity rate hike, i've shelved the idea of getting myself a new oven. I seldom bake anyway. Hubby always remind me not to buy so many electrical appliances as there's not enough space to keep them in the kitchen. Yes, this is a man talking, lol. What does he knows about women and their affinity with kitchen appliances, right.

Anyway, if my kids were to go to my mom's i'd like to spring-clean the guest room wardrobe. I still have a lot of old clothes in there. Hubby buys so many clothes each month that i'm having a hard time giving away the ones he doesnt wear anymore. I even have to move mine around just so that he can store his in the bedroom wardroom.

During my last spring-cleaning session, i remember stashing away a bag of tights somewhere. I'll have to dig them out as my niece wants to pair them with her new mini-skirts. She got the idea after seeing this pair of Jonathan Aston tights here. Mine may not be as fashionable as this pair, but they are close to it. Young girls should wear lots of mini-skirts with tights. They are so fashionable these days.

Hmmmm.... how i wish i still have the guts to wear mini-skirts now. I used to wear them when i was still single and working. Now, i only wear the usual jeans and t-shirts, lol. Boring, eh. But i've started wearing dresses again. Both hubby and the kids likes seeing me in them. The thing is, i only wear them at home. I'm more comfortable with Jeans and Tee when out. What about you?

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