Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm blogged out

I'm tired. Sick and tired. Physically sick and tired. I think i need another week to fine-tune myself to the new workshift. With Gordon new schoolterm, i now have to reschedule so much of my time between both hubby's work and of course my own blogging. And of course lil Malcolm too.

I'm in the middle of a healing crisis myself and therefore, cant think properly. My brain is fuzzy, my nose and ears are blocked 24/7; cant even hear clearly. Sleepy all day long. Malcolm is not helping Mama in this area as all he wants is to be the ultimate Koala bear. And a suck-all-day-long Koala bear.

Oh boy.... i'm so stressed...... since Monday.


L B said...

Poor you!!! Take a break, have a nice rest, close your eyes, dream a few good dreams, have a massage, get a Lormaikai with a pot of good chinese tea..

Samm said...

lb - and the sad part is, i broke the chinese tea mug hubby bot fm china ystday :(

IMMomsDaughter said...

Hard to take a break when u wanna earn too right? I know how that feels and extra bummer since your Gordon is sick too. Take care.

Samm said...

immomsdaughter - i can leave the earning aside. but i hv to care for a sick Gordon whn i myself hv no one to look after me, :(