Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Something's wrong with my starter

I made some organic yoghurt early this morning. You know lah, good stuff mah. Gotta get some beneficial bacteria back into my guts. All that eating is really taxing on my system, you know. It's time to detaox, detox, detox!!!

But then hoh... when i went to check it out just now, it's not turning out well worrr. What went wrong. It's been about 12 hrs already. I did everything right. It's not the first time i'm doing this. Water temperature, starter... all correct. So how? No fresh yoghurt for me?? Make another batch? Wait another 12hrs? :( :( :( yerrrrrrr......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


buy a tub from the supermarket?

Merry Boxing Day! (still made it on time, phew!)