Sunday, November 05, 2006

Stupidest question of the day.

The phone rang just now, and i picked it up. It's a friend of hubby's partner. Someone whom i'm NOT fond of.

She: Wai, that abcdef mailbox ah (the mailbox i created for hubby's NOT very IT savvy partner for our business correspondence), hotmail or gmail woh?

Me: Gmail.

She: What's the password ah?

Me: Why you want to know?

She: My friend ah, she doesnt have one, wants to share this one?

Me: (Feeling angry already) Where are you now? (Reason i asked is to know whether are they at the internet bar and hubby's partner need to login to check something or not)

She: At Marrybrown.

Me: Where's Amy? (hubby's partner, not her real name)

She: Here lah.

Me: Pass the phone over to her.

Amy: Yes...

Me: I gave her a piece of my organic mind and explained to her again in detail that the mailbox contains tons of sensitive informations like passwords and login ids and that preserving it's security is of utmost importance of all. And to make sure that she gets it and i do not want this to ever happen again. Even if the person asking is someone i know. I've had my 9yrs old Yahoo mailbox compromised sometime this year and i know how nerve-wrecking it can be should history repeats itself.

Amy: Then how to access mailbox again?

Me: Guided her step by step on how to login to the mailbox again from the link which i saved in the Favorites, and reminded her again to make sure that her friend isnt spying as she types the password, knowing her.

Sometimes, i'm speechless as to why some people can be just plain stupid. So what, even if it's someone we all know. Come on, why dont i just tell her friend that my friend wants to share her safe deposit box and to duplicate a set of keys for her? I really dont know where their blardy puny brains are located. Down at the rectum perhaps? Or none, more likely. Haih, now i gotta change that mailbox password and call Hubby.....


L B said...

See? I tell you! You have more than your rightful share of DRAMA staying at home!!! LOLOL!!
But then ah, there really are such people around. How else can the rest of humanity get ahead, or get rich? Ying and Yang!

Anonymous said...

why so weird wan? can't they get a gmail account of their own? oh well... loads of weird people around, heheh! charge them each time they use yours!

Shiny Blue Black said...

don't sweat the stupid people babe.

Samm said...

lb - my drama sometimes can even beat those on tv, lol

may - aaaahhh.... waste my time talking to them sometime, #$%^&*(

shinyblueblack - all wiped off adi

Anonymous said...

we have to pity the stupid ppl....