Malcolm In The "Meitai".......... "Meitai"????

This meitai is made by an old aunt of my mom's for my sis. Eh, Sis1, i'm not saying you're 50 yrs old ok, only that piece of cloth, muahahahahah. And dear nieces and nephew, dont ask me who that aunt is ah. I really have no idea. Go ask Popo. She told me before but i cant remember.
In the olden days, mothers carry their young with them everywhere they go. And the most convenient way to do so is to piggy-back them while working. Now go imagine those tin-mine workers, paddy field farmers or simply imagine a mother cooking in the kitchen or doing her daily household chores.
You think everyone has the luxury of in-laws/babysitters taking care of their brood while they work those days? Not everyone lah. Even a SAHM will find it cumbersome having to tend to her wailing baby while washing clothes/cooking or getting water from the well/etc. So, having her baby close to her all the time is the ultimate solution.
Wait till hubby comes back and get him to take another pic of me giving Malcolm/Gordon a piggy back ride in it. They both simply loves it. Anyone here wants a piggy-back ride in it? Come, come, come... come to MyOrganicLife!!!

Gordon was quite big already when my mom dug this out for me. In fact, there are two more of these at her place which i've asked her to dig out also. But, she cannot recall when she put it when she moved house last year. Once she finds it, it'll post the pics up for all to see.
I've always practised attachment parenting. In other words, having my babies by me all the time IF possible. In today's term, this is a luxury. I'm lucky to be able to NOT work but stay home with my kids 24/7. When i say NOT work, i meant being employed and lead a 9 - 5 rat-race life..... blehh. Well, i still work from home, in front of the pc most of the time.
So, Dear Annie, this is for you. Now you have an idea what a "Meitai" is. Sorry ah, i took so long to post this up. Still intend to buy the sarong sling? IMHO, the sling is more fashionable and easier to use, but bulkier and heavier than the "Meitai". This "Meitai" takes a little bit getting used to, especially the tying part. But it's not as bulky as the sarong sling. But you really do generate lots of weird stares when you walk about with your baby in it. Much more than the sarong sling, ah. How often do you ever see someone using something as retro as this nowadays?
I've booked my ride in the Sling Around Ipoh in Two Hours Ride already, but this MeiTai also can!!
Ok, but can u make an Italian version for me lah? I WANT I WANT I WANT!!!!!
I need to test one out first!!
this MeiTai looks cool, but hmmmmm... I like the sling better wor... more snuggly and comfy. but I guess Malc's just getting too big for it, eh?
may - not yet, still using and loves every minute of it being snugly cuddled in there.
looks kinda scary bb can fall off one..
this meitai is so cool Samm. So retro indeed! But of course our slings these days are so much more comfy hor? The one advantage of this meitai is that the baby won't feel warm, cos it allows for air circulation.
By the way, you suddenly write like mushrooms sprouting! Heh!
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