Sunday, November 05, 2006

IBS#3 says "NO ENTER" means "NO ENTER"

It rained dog-shit just now. There was thunder and lightning and both kids were crying. The blardy electrical current got cut-off. So, no lights, no fan, no air-cond, no tv, no dvd, no blogging; you get the drift.

I was inside the room putting Malcolm down for his nap, when "BOOOOOMMMMM". He screamed at the top of his lungs, whilst Gordon scrambled back into the room, crying also. With two terribly frightened kids in my arms, there's really nothing much i can do but get out of bed and back to the living hall where it's brighter.

Holding Malcolm in my arms and Gordon clinging by my side, i stood by the front entrance, humming "Raindrops keep falling on my ass head". Half the time humming, half the time explaining to Gordon about the rain, blah, blah, blah, blah....

When the rain finally subsided and there's no more thunder to be heard, i put Malcolm who's asleep already, down inside the playpen in the living hall. Turned the power back on, and life resumed as usual. Tv, dvd, pc all on.

Hardly 30 minutes later.....


IBS#3: "Ma.... ma, hoi moon ah, Ma...." (Ma, open the door...)

I walked out to see KNNMCB IBS#3 screaming at the front entrance for her mom (my MIL), to open the door for her. I really dont understand why everytime she comes over, she fucks up my life. Malcolm's awake by then and still screaming. Me now, workflow interrupted, face all black already, ignored IBS#3 and left her standing by the front door. Niamahfulat, can very well wait till MIL opens the door for her.

Back inside my room, i nursed Malcolm back to sleep. Gordon pooed and i gotta go clean him up. Then, eh....... WTF???? I saw a note stuck on the toilet door. IBS#3 came here to clean the toilet. Yeah... serious. Not that i mind or care. But then i gotta dump Gordon's poo. That's gotta wait till she finishes.


"No Enter" woh.... now where am i supposed to dump Gordon's poo?????????

I dont speak nor write excellent Engrish lah, but this? Gimme a fucking break.......... What happened to "Do Not Enter" or "No Entry"????? And no "Please" sommore.... bad, bad, bad....


Anonymous said...

No Enter! No Pour Poo! No Clean!

I think you should've left the poo at the door to "surprise" her when she comes out...

ok ok, notti of me for even suggesting that! *piak my own hand*

L B said...

LOL, stay at home also can have such a lot of drama! LOLOL!!!
Whatever happened to those romantic/hamsup times during heavy thunderstorms and downpours, especially in the black-out, eh? Those were the days...

Samm said...

may - aiya, shud have done that. i dont like teasing chewren, but i din say i cant be mean to my ibs' mah,lol. missed....

lb - rub it in sommore.... hubby not here, how to humsup-humsup. cannot even get thru to his line today. mebbe he vf his piaomeis now, aye, yai, yai...