A rare photo of both Gordon and Malcolm together. It's difficult getting Gordon to pose for a pic with his lil brother. Malcolm looks a bit like Gordon when he was about the same age. Mal's 3 months plus already. Time just flies. It was just like yesterday that i brought him home.
Malcolm likes to sit up. So, i prop him up on pillows whenever possible.

Another pic of my darling grinning away.

Gordon never took to the pacifier. This was his. Have two more. Found them a while ago. Eh, looks like Malcolm can suck on it for quite a few minutes.

My SIL (brother's wife) brought an old bike over for Gordon yesterday. She even took it to the shop to have the two small new training wheels fixed before bringing it over. I was just comtemplating on buying one for Gordon. Now, no need. Saved me a hundred bucks. Awwww, how sweet of her. Gordon was damn happy. This is him learning how to ride it.
"Ma.... where am i supposed to put my feet? How come cannot move one? Can push me or not?....... Ma...... where are you....."
Gordon finally figured out how to ride it. Although his barefeet are still not long enough to move the pedal fully, he can still move forward slowly. Maybe i should put his shoes on for him. He'll then be able to pedal it better. Soon, he'll want to ride his bike outside.
Waaa, so fast hor, three months! Time is flying faster n faster liao..
Quick, go make Little Baby Girl now!!!
psst: Wanna buy BUMBO seat?
lb - siao ah??? Dat thg cost RM180 ahhhh. Unless, unka lb got second hand one want to dispose of lah.
oooh, can see Malcolm fully now, not in his sling... sturdy little fella, him! Gordon's bike looks better than my kiddy one many many many (too many) years ago! mine no basket wan...
way to go Gordon! I see a Mat Rempit in the making! LOL
wow, time flies, 3 months so fast? Malcolm sure is a big size fella ...
Samm, Malcolm is so big now!!! I still remembered carrying him, when he was so tiny. He seemed to have double in size. LOL! *cubit cheeks* What a sweet baby.
The bike I bought for Kelly, costs me RM200. The side wheels at the back can be taken out when she is learning to ride the normal 2-wheeler. Recently Shelly also got a bike compliments of my SIL.
Do you bring Gordon out to ride outside? Cos' there's not much space indoor hor? Hug the baby for me, and of course Gordon too, the long-haired boy boy ;)
vintage and retro stuff is the rage. After Gordon/Malcolm grow out of the bike, refurbish it and sell it on eBay!!! Hahahahha
can't see the resemblance of the 2 of them yet... :P
What a sweet SIL you have there.
I like Gordon's hair, very "yeng".
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