Malcolm In The Middle Sling
Went back to my mom's house this afternoon with my sis. My dad fell down this morning and cracked his skull. He was alone in the house when he slipped and fell. Lucky my mom and the rest of the family members returned home shortly after the incident happened. When we asked him how he fell, he can vaguely recall something about knocking against a step outside. Anyway, how he fell doesnt really matter now. He's being closely monitored for the time being by my mom. I pray and thank God that he's alright.

I like using the stroller and would definitely train Malcolm to sit in one for as long as possible. Gordon still sits quietly in his till now. The only thing you have to get used to while using the sling is the stares you'll get from passers-by wherever you go. They might even walk up to you and enquire about the sling, lol. As for discreet breastfeeding while using the sling, i can vouch on that. I've breastfed Malcolm at Starbucks before and nobody seems to notice it. Damn convenient.
that looks O U C H ! ! ! thank goodness your Dad's ok. hope his wound heals fast and well.
soon Malcolm would be too big for his sling ler! getting a bigger sarong then? *wink*
Your poor dad! Painful or what, eh?!!
That sling of yours is amazing. I want one too!!!
Sorry to learn what happened to your dad. Hope he's better now.
The sling? Yeah, you looked like a kangaroo and Malcolm in the pouch! LOL
may - sling can use till he's 3 woh. yalor, like i'm still gonna carry him when he's 3, lol
lb - ok, come back next yr, and i'll give u 1
neil - my brother sent him to the doctor to hv his wound cleaned and stitched up immediately upon reaching home. thx again for the concern
cocka - yes, meh.... like kangaroo meh....
Ok ah.. I want to go for a at least one round around Ipoh wan...
Tell your dad that an American lady is hoping his poor head will be ok!! xo
look so painful..luckily he is okay edi.
hmm i have one of those..i wonder where izit now...
lb - u mean u wan me 2 carry u in 1 ah. sure u wanna go round round ipoh town liddat?
omni - thx for the concern. he's doing well till now.
sasha - go, go dig it out and snap pic of ur jayden in it. hurry.... b4 he grows out of it.
Sorry to hear about your dad. Lucky it wasn't so bad.
BTW, does yr blog has some virus or something 'cos there is a pop up window asking me to login to some server. That's why I hardly comment 'cos I need to click that before I can post comments.
5xmom - no virus, i think it's that stupid tagboard attracting all sorts of nonsence, @#$%^&*. So, just click cancel everytime u drop by, haih....
Poor Samm's daddy.. Hope he's better already.
I use a Baby Bjork, and it's pretty useful.. We still use it on Zara when we go to the market. But I know if sleep in sling it's more comfy esp for young babies. Maybe should invest in one.
Sling takes up to what max weight?
Malcom is getting chubby huh?
zara's mama - say can use up to 3yrs old woh. neway, more info can be found at
And my boy seems to be growing up well, hoh. Soooo chubby now, lol.
Hope your dad is fully recovered by now. Take care.
I dunno how to carry my baby in that position (kangaroo position I think). She likes to have her legs stretch.
I like the sling too, so easy to be hands free with it.
And hope your dad recovers ASAP.
oops, sorry for posting your pics there!!! LOL!
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