Wednesday, January 04, 2006

If you cant host a proper birthday party, then dont have one!!

It's a fact. I detest potluck parties. I'm writing this because i just received an invitation from a friend to attend her son's 3rd birthday. Fark, if she cant host a proper party, then dont organise one. What the heck was she thinking? That everyone like potluck parties?? It's not even an IN thing, ok, gimme a break.

I should contemplate introducing her to 5xmom or Helen, so that she can learn a thing or two about hosting an ultimate party of the year. Take your pick, do the all-cooked-by-myself version or the all-store-bought version. If too lazy to do either, then cater lah. If not, dont have one in the first place.

If we are one close group of friends/relatives who often hangout together, and once in a while, if a suggestion for a potluck party pops out and everyone agrees to it, then it's ok. This one, is a totally different case. She lives in KL. I dont even see her once in a year, and she wants us to throw a party for her son, blardy cheapo (knowing her).

We (some friends smsed me to voice their disgust, ask whether will i be attending and what will i bring) werent even consulted on the idea prior to this. If.... if only she'd do a bit of extra work, and ask beforehand, then.... most probably, we'd happily oblige to it and even take it as a good opportunity to get together for a great night out for us girls and our kids.

Which i doubt also lah, since when do i ever have a great time out with Gordon tagging along at a party with kids running about??? Think i have a maid to run after him ah. Have to keep an eye on him the whole night most likely, knn. Parties... shudder!!!! If have him strapped to the stroller the whole night to keep my sanity, i bet someone's gonna call Child Abuse hotline. It's a childrens' birthday party for god sake and i'm sure he'll want to run around with all the koh-kohs and jeh-jehs.

If you want me to bring something along, i'll most probably lug a few bags of organic carrot, cucumber and beet there. Then, everyone will get my ultra detox juicing recipe to flush out all that crap that they'll stuff down their throats. Scientific studies show that drinking organic vegetable juice boosts up your sex life by 1000%. Want proof??? See....

Pic source: Cant remember, been in my harddisk like forever...

When i told hubby about it yesterday, the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Potluck? WTF?? Think celebrating Children's Day in school meh?"

Frankly speaking, hubby has another birthday party to attend on that same night too. This one business related one, whereby the host's wife specifically insisted that i attend together with Gordon. So, where do you think we'll most likely be??? Haih...... if only there's two ME.


Jeremy C said...

wow!! thank goodness the juice extractor machine i bought last week comes in handy - never knew vegetable juice could spruce up the sex life by that much!

L B said...

NO wonder I always enjoy broccoli, green peepers, zucchini, celery, chillies....

ZMM said...

Send a pack of organic potatos to her and asked her to fry her own potatos (or boil, or whatever).

Then go to the business related party.

Geez, never heard kids' birthday party got potluck one. :P

Maybe next year for Zara's birthday party I can be Al-cheapo too.

Samm said...

I'll most likely send her an organic sms, ;p

Ya hoh, and i think this year, we'll hold bb's fullmoon and Gordon's bday party together. Wah, if potluck ah, everybody will have to bring their own food + presents and angpows. *rubs hands in glee*.... I'll be rich, i'll be rich.... hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

If there's 2 of u, your husband will be grinning from ear to ear!!! :)

Helen said...

I understand your sentiments..... if it's among close friends, it's OK. Pot luck for children's parties?? LOL

Just bring along a gunisack of Twisties... the kids will love you!!

BTW, are u going all the way to KL for her party? Is your hubby's business party in KL too?

Lin Peh said...

Bring watermellon la. CHEAP and BIG ! By the way, if one day (only if) Lin Peh invite you to party, sure no pot luck wan. GUARANTEED ! LOL!

Samm said...

ipoh malia jugak - u think play double delight meh

helen - she's coming back to host it. Hubby's also here.... so.... dunno lah. Most prolly i'll just show face there, drop by a present for the kid and attend hubby's.

lin peh - wah, liddat ah. we're sooooo in luck hoh.

MahaguruSia said...

hear hear, I am too a potluck party hater. Wanna have a party? be a good host la.....

Anonymous said...

my mum is the same....prefers to make the dishes herself when she knows that the standard will b in top form. potluck sometimes can backfire n ppl really bring junk. :(

Samm said...

mahagurusia - i'll never ever host a potluck party unless my guests can agree on a list of items to brings. If not....

yvy - Yup, pretty unpredictable, hoh