We finally took Gordon go real Gai-gai..... YIPPEEEE!!!!!
Gordon woke up from his nap at about 3.30pm yesterday just as Papa stepped into the room. His schedule got somewhat screwed-up due to impending rain. So, decided to take Gordon go real gai-gai this time after what happened on Thursday. But before gai-gai, have to deliver some stock to a customer and make payment at Celcom first.
After Celcom implemented the minutes programme, his phonebill have escalated to a whopping Rm430+ for this month, CB. It's usually at about Rm300+. And he's not aware that he can make payment to Celcom via Maybank2u, silly Papa. And the credit limit given is so low that he has to make payment everytime he receives a reminder sms from them. If only Maxis offers to let him keep his Celcom number that ends with five 1s, he just might consider a switch. I can then supplement him a line since my credit limit of 2k is practically untouched. But then hoh, dream on leh. Perhaps i should consider talking to Maxis about letting him keep his number or at least offer him something similar to that lah.
I hardly make phonecalls since i'm online most of the time. I'm on Maxis' 138 package and cant even seem to finish the airtime even after all discounts. I only pay about Rm100/mth and most of it is carried forward to the next month. I cant surf the net on my handphone now cause the stupid Opera 8 browser cannot load after some errors whilst loading some website with tons of images. I forgot to turn off image downloading, my fault. Unless i reformat my phone and buy another Opera download at US29, i can forget about surfing while away from home. I accidentally deleted the ori Opera 6 that came with the phone.
Oops, back to gai-gai. Went to Jaya Jusco. We arrived at about 5pm and true enough, i ate another plate of noodle at Black Canyon Cafe, Papa the same too and Gordon had Corn soup. Walked around Jusco Store, renewed our Jusco card membership and found some interesting solar powered flowers from Tomy at the toys department. More info can be found here.
After Celcom implemented the minutes programme, his phonebill have escalated to a whopping Rm430+ for this month, CB. It's usually at about Rm300+. And he's not aware that he can make payment to Celcom via Maybank2u, silly Papa. And the credit limit given is so low that he has to make payment everytime he receives a reminder sms from them. If only Maxis offers to let him keep his Celcom number that ends with five 1s, he just might consider a switch. I can then supplement him a line since my credit limit of 2k is practically untouched. But then hoh, dream on leh. Perhaps i should consider talking to Maxis about letting him keep his number or at least offer him something similar to that lah.
I hardly make phonecalls since i'm online most of the time. I'm on Maxis' 138 package and cant even seem to finish the airtime even after all discounts. I only pay about Rm100/mth and most of it is carried forward to the next month. I cant surf the net on my handphone now cause the stupid Opera 8 browser cannot load after some errors whilst loading some website with tons of images. I forgot to turn off image downloading, my fault. Unless i reformat my phone and buy another Opera download at US29, i can forget about surfing while away from home. I accidentally deleted the ori Opera 6 that came with the phone.
Oops, back to gai-gai. Went to Jaya Jusco. We arrived at about 5pm and true enough, i ate another plate of noodle at Black Canyon Cafe, Papa the same too and Gordon had Corn soup. Walked around Jusco Store, renewed our Jusco card membership and found some interesting solar powered flowers from Tomy at the toys department. More info can be found here.
But how come there's no sale as mentioned in your blogs ah? Or was it on that particular day only for Jusco members? Guess i just wait till it's on Sale before i go buy them all. Cant really decide which to buy coz thay are all so cute.That'll surely brighten my room up. Will look good on the car dashboard too. Priced from RM39.90+ onwards to Rm59.90 if i'm not wrong. Not bad lah.
Apart from that, we just looked around. Gordon was very quiet and contented all the time. No whining at all. It rained as we were about to leave at about 7.30pm and our car was parked outside in the rain. And we were without an umbrella.... haih. So, hung around more and ended up eating again, haha. Had some Japanese pancake with jam and greentea ice-cream. What a great pastime.

We finally left Jusco with a VERY satisfied Gordon at about 9pm. Papa felt hungry again and we headed straight to the foodcourt and we ate some Sing-chau-mai (Rice Vermicelli Singaporean style). Gordon was so tired already that he fell asleep in the stroller soon after we arrived. He even laughed out loud in his sleep. That's how satisfied he was.
We saw a lil Malay girl about the age of 5 with a thick gold chain and a pendant around her neck, and a matching gold bracelet on her left hand. She was running all over the place with her brother. I'm disturbed. To me, it's a definite no-no to allow any child to run around with so much wealth on display. What were her parents thinking of? They have only themselves to be blamed should anything happen to their child. Havent they heard or read of snatch thefts or kidnapping? I hope any sane parent reading this now take note of the dangers involved in this. We are responsible for our childrens' safety.
Papa bought a rechargeable Mosquito-Zapping racquet at Rm10 and two 12 Girls Band Vcds at Rm5 each from a Chinese national who happen to be peddling her wares there. She hung around and we chatted. We only left the foodcourt when Gordon woke up at about 12am. This pretty much sums up what happened yesterday. Overall, we all had a great family timeout. Just dont ever leave home without the stroller....
I am happy for Gordon...finally, got real gai-gai!!
eh hello, the jusco sale we mentioned ah, already ended on Nov30, and for members only. But I am sure there'll be another round soon. Most other retailers have started their year end sales already.
Wah...frenzy shopping eh? The JJ foodcourt got open till 12 am meh? Where were the Chinese traders? Can sell openly liddat meh? I tot only in pasar malam...
U and papa can really eat la ! be careful or else papa end up like Lin Peh punya shape and u may not like. By the way, be careful cause papa bought the 12-gal band VCD ! If he likes the music, he would have just bough the CD (can play in car somemore), but he bough the VCD!!! can see all the sexy china chic goyang goyang wan wor ! LOL !!!!
king's wife - he lagi happy. aiya, me can wait lah. if can save a lil, why not. not that i need it.
howsy - not jj foodcourt lah, the one near my hs leh.
lin peh - dun worry lah, i'll never let that happen leh. the vcd, i also belum tengok. plastic wrapper also still intact.
Eeeee...I got that blue guy Tomy desk toy thing...but my guy is green! My sis got the plant toy! They're soooo cute!
Wow.. left only at 12am? After having Zara, we always have to rush home about 10pm+.. or else she'll get so whiney when we bring her home and change her into her PJs.
You and papa love to eat too huh? Like us! :P
My wife used the palmer's cocoa butter formula ever when she got pregnant until she delivered, yet, she's got a world map on her tummy ;)
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