Nah... come feast your eyes on " Me In My Sexy Nike Bra Top"!!!!!!!!
I got quite a few comments regarding my choice of maternity wear in my previous post, hehe. Eh, hello, people. I'm hardly 2months pregnant lah. Nothing to show yet one. Only one bloated tummy sticking out front. So, when i go out, i just bluff and do the stomach pull so that it's not so obvious. Other than that, i'm still the same skinny me.
I know a few friends of mine who cant wait to buy maternity clothes the moment they confirm their pregnancy. Me, for one, cannot stand wearing them. I look so errmm, pregnant in them. I prefer to wear my old spaghetti-strapped short sundresses, bra tops and dungarees. Ya lor, like i'm gonna walk around looking like a fat cow advertising "Milk For Sale". Yes, i do have a few fat cow dresses, courtesy of well-meaning friends. I'll save those for events when my everyday wear just wont do when i'm 8 months pregnant.

If i want to wear these when i go out for a meal or do some shopping, i'll just pull on a pair of dungarees and wear hot pants inside. Easy, right. Cooling mah. Their pants are great, stretchy and low-waisted too. I think Nike should pay me to do this review. Dont you all think so too, hehe.
So, come feast your eyes on this pic taken 2 weeks before Gordon's due. That green bottom is Reebok. So, now you all know lah. This woman here wears mostly sports attire throughout her pregnancy. Now you all get what i meant when i say i cant wear cropped tops. With that bump sticking out like that, how to wear? It's gonna be very uncomfortable leh. I wear like this coz (1) i stay inside my bedroom most of the time (2) the weather's darn hot even with the air-cond on at full blast. When i step foot outside the house or when mil/fil is around, i'll just pull on a tee or pajama top over it lah.
I hope none of you will go stalk me after this...... i'm so scared ler.....
aiyoh, pregnant still so slim wan!
With that pic, everyone 'kam yuen' (satisfied) already. No need to wonder anymore...
Aiyoh...really bloated lar...tak boleh...kenot...haram here...this is PORN!!! LOL!
now how on earth do u stay so slim even when u're pregnant????
Wah Sexy Samm ... just like a model :) Those Nike bra tops are nice and practical. Used to wear those for aerobics. It's common to wear them here in Sydney without getting the STARES - especially for jogging. But of course I don't wear them now ... too fat liao ... spare types spilling out from every corner LOL
wow, samm...i never thought a pregnant woman could look so
*still dazed*
How did you stay so thin when you were pregnant? :-O
I know you already have a baby ticker, but check this one out:
eh those are sport tops lar. sports bra offer more support and they look more like bras (i maybe wrong)
Anyway some comes with only an additional layer behind but lately i noticed some comes with padding. if you get those w/o padding, ur nips may stick out like a sore thumb
the ones offered by nike is nice. reebok oso not bad. You should try those new nike material Nike Sphere. For bottom, Dri-Fit is nice
of btw, i've seen a preggy lady abt the size of ur tummy in the swimming pool wearing a red string bikini!
Samm, I think you intro-ed us to preggy porn! LOL!
if only the tops were dark blood red in colour. that would have excited yr MIL!!
Wow!! I never thought a pregnant woman can still make ppl laubeh huit.... but obviously you can!! You're the best looking pregnant lady I've (Of course, u r also the only brave one daring to bare all (almost) for us to see..) Keep up the good work!! More Pics!! More Porn.. oops ....pregnant pics!!
hhmmm...first for all, i'm now into preggo thanks to samm, #2. let me b a recorder n say, damn woman! lucky like hell....*thinking wat a king kong i'm gonna look like when it's my turn. die lor!!* #3. is it just me or is anyone else seeing HUMONGOUS CAPS in ALL ur posts? did u tweak ur blog arr? coz woman, trust me, i feel like u're screaming at me!! ;)
*opening up counter to start 'stalk samm' group*
king's wife - Wah, looks like i'm promoting Bra tops fashion for preggies, lol.
Howsy - no lah, kenot see my tetek mah, whr got porn, hah.
fashionasia - i guess it's my diet, refer to previous post, hehe
g - if dun want to wear bra tops, can still hide those spare-tyres in cropped tops mah. and yes, i was thinking, if ppl can jog around in those, i can walk around in those when i'm pregnant mah, hoh.
jeremy c - knowing you men, pregnant me still must look good wan. if not hah, hubby's eyes will start to stray liao, agree??
omni - it's my diet. and thanks for the baby gaga ticker link. i saw it somewhere b4, now, i've got it too.
max - mine comes with removable padding one. if not, my nips will sure show, hehe.
simmie - so, better thank me for your eyeful. remember ah, you saw it first at myorganiclife.
ipoh mali jugak - sad to say, no red ones lerrrr, wait, i go check out their new collection first.
helen - wah, i must cheng you go yum cha ledi, liddat. yes, i'll post more pics later when the bump starts to show. now, dont have leh.
yvy - hahaha, u'll know when ur turn comes. DIET!!!! My post all NOT in CAPS. Something wrong with your script? Better go check. *goes into hiding, scared kena stalked*
wah, you are the type where we spot and say, "celaka, why that pregnant woman pregnant already still so thin one" type.
How come so thin ah?
Last time me with Zara, really looked like a hippo.
Maybe because I didn't have cryptomonadales. :P
Btw, what happened to your blog? The fonts all suddenly so huge and capitalised?
Saliva, saliva, saliva....but.....the ball very "Cho-teng" when doing la ! LOL !
ya lar, samm, i have to say are one of those that zara mama's n I will look at in disgust while sipping our coffee, and gasak-ing a big slice of cake!!! lol...
anyway, me and a few others are interested in the lipstick u mentioned in my blog. Pls tell us whr it's available.
And, yes...the font is very big.
zara's mama - bout the fonts ah, here, i see mou-man-tai woh. all normal one. i republished my blog adi. still got same problem onot? the only thing i did this morning was i changed the pregnancy ticker to baby-gaga.
sometimes, life's lidat. if doctors know nutrition well, then ppl like me wont be needed. most of the time, preggies like to eat, eat, eat & eat, especially crap. mention some of food that i eat and good nutritional supplements like wholefood & colostrum, they'd stick their tongues out at me. i'm already back into my pre-pregnancy clothes by the 12th day after delivery. i'll blog on cryptomonadales later.
linpeh - eh, i tot u r the one who has that permanent problem. with ur tum sticking out lidat, can still see the kkc meh?
king's wife - yalor, how i'm gonna lurve walking past u 2. i really dont have a clue what's wrong with my fonts. hope the problem corrects itself soon. lemme know, k. thx.
mahagurusia - what's ****! ???????
That's why got problem la ! :-(
king's wife - i cant find ur email from ur blog. can u email me? i can give u more details via email.
You eat collostrum during pregnancy time? I mean isn't that the first milk from mummy? where did you get that from? I didn't you can actually buy it.
Me back to pre-pregnancy weight and clothes in 2 months, that's actually more because I don't have a confinement lady, and have to do everything on my own. Also the exclusive breast feeding helpped.
You are 'disgusting'.. (about your frame while pregnant, and can get back in shape so quickly)
zara's mama - Cow colostrum lah. i used to supply that, no longer now until further notice. u can get from pharmacy lah at about Rm88 - Rm128 depending on brand and weight, but then i'm not sure bout their quality. u know lah, for local consumption.... if the skim milk ratio is not right, many turn out putting on weight. i eat about a tin (export quality) every week till Gordon's due date, and lots of other stuff too lah.
Yes, exclusive breastfeeding helps the mose, couple that with lack of sleep and confinement lady. Mil cooked, so i just ate whatever she dished out... not complaining/arguing at all. Dont be stupid mah, hoh.
Have u checked out that paul penders link i left in king's wife comment box?
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