Saturday, March 26, 2022

Weekend Cooking - Curry

Curry is good to clear the fridge of veggies remnants on weekends. Half the time, i end up with a little of something. Today, i found cauliflower, cabbage, baby carrots, and one eggplant that was lurking behind a container. It's from my garden. I remember bringing it in but totally forgotten about it.

There's still 5 pieces of chicken. Together with a stick of curry leaves, Baba's meat curry powder, and some santan, i dished up a pot of wholesome curry for tonight's dinner. The boys want to eat rice. Easier for me as i dont have to whip up a batch of noodles with my noodlemaker.

Here's a short video i took of my curry dish after cooking for say 30 minutes. Everything is cooked to perfection and the house is filled with the smell aromatic curry. We have bread too and i think i'll have toast with it later. Curry is truly a versatile dish. Goes with almost anything.

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