Monday, November 16, 2009

Cant find it

I searched high and low for the piece of paper that Malcolm drew on it all the way from Jusco till home. I asked him to show it to hubby when he was taking a rest outside at the living hall. I think my MIL must have thought it's rubbish and threw it away. I'm not going to dig through the dustbin. It's actually the receipt from 1919. It has horizontal lines on it and Malcolm patiently filled the gaps between the lines with various colors without going out of line. He placed the paper on the box of crayons as it's flat enough and provided the support he needed. I'll get him to draw another some other time. It's a good way to keep him seated and buckled up. If not, he'll be all over the car. Difficult to keep him in the seat these days. That's also one reason why i dont find it a joy to take them out on my own. NO WAY, mannnnn....

1 comment:

Twin said...

no worries ... it gets better as they grow older.