Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are you bored taking care of your kids all day long?

A good blog buddy gave birth to a baby boy recently. He was a couple of days overdue and made her pretty restless, lol. I told her now that he's out, she wont get to rest much either. She agrees with me totally and says she'll be very busy for at least a whole year as she's going to breastfeed her baby exclusively this time. She used to give her three other kids formula milk as she needs to go to work. Great to hear that. Malcolm is nearly three years old and he's still breastfeeding, lol.

I do agree that breastfeeding takes up a lot of mother's time. So, be prepared for it. My friend was worried that she might get bored sitting home all day long after the confinement period. Oh, not to worry. She can always take up ne of those university online courses once everything is settled down. I have a few friend who did just that. It's good to learn something new if one has the time to spare.

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