Friday, October 31, 2008

Does Gordon like Sesame Tong Sui?

It's almost 4pm now. Time to go pick Gordon up from Kindy. Today, the school is having a birthday party for all the kids born in the month of October. I bet Gordon will be full and i dont have to take him out for food. But i'll have to ask him if he wants to go out for a walk or not. Or maybe hubby has other plans. He may want to wait till Malcolm's back and take the both of them out together. He's the driver, i'm not. Let him decide, hoh. I still have three more posts to publish and i'd better hurry and get them out as soon as possible.

I'm not too hungry myself as i had a late lunch of dry curry noodles just now. I bought a packet of "tong-sui" (some kinda chinese dessert) back and it's still sitting on my kitchen table. If hubby doesnt want to go out, Gordon can eat that for tea. It's made of sesame and black in color. Wonder if he'll take one look at it and run off or not, lol. Nevermind if he doesnt want it. I can eat that later on. Not that i'll ever need errrr..... diet pills, for eating "tong-sui", right. Naww.... diet pills are not for me. I gotta go now. CIAO!!!!

1 comment:

Physiomom said...

we you at the Cowan street curry noodle & tong sui shop? I was there this morning for breakfast. Quite a variety of kuh mueh & tong sui there. Also had the dry curry meehoon. I find it so so oni.