Friday, October 31, 2008

Crude oil price is down, but our petrol price is not

Price of crude oil keeps going down and i just wonder when will ours revert back to where it was before. After the 2.70/ltr increase, any reduction will be very much welcomed. If the price can be stabilised, our economy will also be slightly better. I said slightly as electricity tariff isnt coming down. Suppliers arent reducing the price of goods to food seller and retailers.

Each time my MIL comes back form the wet market, i can hear her complaining that everything is so expensive these days. Sometimes, i can even hear my neighbor arguing with her husband over high electricity bills and that they should not use the air-cond too much yadda yadda yadda. He, on the other hand, is also complaining that his company is not compensating him his Car allowance as claimed.

I understand that only oh too well. It's difficult to justify the claims as employees tend to over-claim on their vehicle usage. All these can be taken care off if the companies engage a corporate reimbursement services company to help them out. This is for the benefit for both employer and their mobile employess. The link here will provide you with more information on that. Check it out.

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