Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Food that Malcolm likes

Malcolm is very picky when it comes to food. He doesnt quite like eating and it took a lot of trials and errors before i found out his likes and dislikes. He quite like porridge. Both MIL and i will cook him porridge once in a while. Here's a recipe for homecooked fish porridge with dried scallops that i cook for him once in a while. You may want to try it out.

Malcolm also likes ABC soup. Meaning, vegetable soup with carrots, onions, potatoes and tomatoes. It's a sure win recipe with him. I'll mash up the potatoes and carrots, mix some rice and organic sesame or olive oil to it, and the fler will guai-guai whack the whole bowl up. Doesnt work with other kinds of soup though, lol. He also likes steamed egg custard, pasta and Japanese noodles.

Brown rice cracker and 7-grains sprouted bread

He's also okay with toast, especially Adventist 7-grains sprouted bread and Gardenia's Toast'em. A lil' bit of soft-boiled eggs. He also likes hash brown potatoes and Julie's MyVito biscuits and brown rice crackers. I buy him healthy cereal and non-dairy milk from the organic store. Depending on his mood, he may or may not want it. But it makes a really good convenient food for him before bedtime.

Organic millet milk, pumpkin cereal (front) and yam cereal (back)

I dont force feed Malcolm. He will only eat a few spoonfuls at times and then refuse to continue. So, i try to give him food all day long. It's a tiring process but as long as my baby eats, i'll continue doing it until i find something that he really likes to eat. If you have a baby who doesnt like to eat, the only way is to keep trying. A little at a time. Dont give up.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Thanks for the post Samm! I will try getting my bb to sample some new food..she hates porridge, potatoes, carrots, eggs (unless i mash it and hide it in her bread and cheese), cereal... haiz.. very headache feeding her. Many times wanting to give new food she spits those out and play with her fingers. Worse, she won't stay in high chair and wants to eat on the go. but i will keep trying.