Friday, May 23, 2008

Cockles - Crap some people call food

Cockles must indeed be one of the crappiest thing on earth people can ever put into their mouth. How are cockles usually eaten? Well, there are many ways. What you see here is a plate of live raw cockles. The hawker will pour hot water over it till the shells open. The person eating it will pry open the shell, remove the still bloody glob of crap with a satay stick or tooth pick, dip it into chilli sauce with some garlic in it, and pop it into their mouth.... PTUIIII!!!!

And is this what you call food? Do you know how much bacteria this river-bed cleaning agent harbors? Not scared of dying from hepatitis or cholera issit. I dont really care about how the adults want to risk their health by eating cockles, but please, dont give it to your kids. The couple sitting opposite me were trying their best to get their toddler to eat this, dnmch. Morons, arent they. Spare your kids from health complications like acute food poisoning from consuming high-risked crap like cockles. Niamah, where are their farking brains.


2crazydogs said...

I agree with you. I cannot stomach them "see hum" - smells like dirt to me!

L B said...

but it's a terrific photograph! You should have taken them when they look horrible... with flies crawling around them, oozing green shit, brown shit, white worms...

worldwindows said...

A person food is another's poison. I do eat them once a blue moon in regular places but make sure it is skewered and it goes into the boiling hotpot for 5 minutes. Otherwise, go for the overpriced, glorified similar stuff like escargot (snails), oysters and clams. I don't eat clams, shells and snails in 3rd world countries when overseas. Otherwise I will have a go.

Ydiana said...

Isn't it a rich source of iron, or so, I heard?

Ok...I'm closing my eyes now. You can shoot me...

Samm said...

2crazydogs - hai wor, i really beh tahan them

lb - yayaya, i chia you when u come back this year

worldwindows - you can eat them all you like. I staying far far away from them :p

ydiana - rich source of iron or wateva, i think i'll get my iron elsewhere. Just not cockles, lol

Unknown said...

We eat them a lot here in Wales. They do not scour river bottoms by the way, they are sea creatures. You soak them overnight to remove loose sand then boil them and then pickle them in vinegar. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. Goodness knows what you had in mind during your ramble but it wasnt the cockle.