Friday, April 04, 2008

Knit feat

The moment i get back to knitting, i'll be glued to it till i drop dead. I just want to hurry up and finish everything off. It's been far too long and i still havent completed anything at all. In all, i have 6 projects rotting. Well, not exactly as they are moving along fine now. If not, how to update my knitting blog, haimai. It's not easy as i have to really sit down and concentrate knitting something, take some nice pics of my progress before i can update it.

Hobby blogs are a different breed altogether. I cant just simply crap something on it just to keep it moving. No, i'm going to make it nice nice. So, if you want to follow up with my knitting or crochet progress, then hop over to Fibre Art and look around. The reason i want to gaotim my projects is i have something in my mind that's far more interesting than what i'm knitting now. Will let you know once i start work on the project.

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