Friday, April 04, 2008


Have you ever feel depressed before? Do you know what it feels like to be depressed? Let me tell you this. It can be bad. Two of my sister-in-laws had depression before and let me tell you, their behavior during those testing times can be really weird. The older sister-in-law keep suspecting that her neighbor is out to harm her family. She keeps accusing the lady of tampering with her water and electrical supply. So much so that my brother in law had to apologize to them half the time. She got better after seeing a doctor and so far, we havent heard her complaining about her neighbor anymore.

And then, there is my younger sister-in-law. Hers is a different case. She suspects her husband of having an affair and would call up everyone in the family to rant about it every single day for months. She refused to go for counseling nor see a doctor. She was depressed for more than a year, and during that time, the whole family also suffered as she lives in a different state and seldom comes home. She recovered eventually. I just hope no one ever falls victim to depression again in our household. 

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