Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2008 Malaysia 12th General Election here ledi...

I cant seem to write in peace. I'm only here at the guest room for less than one hour, and my kids nearly turned the bedroom upside down. Malcolm pulled all his clothes our from the drawer and Gordon's toys are strewn all over the floor. Looks like after i'm done with my posts, there'll be a lot of clearing to do, sigh. And i still have to help hubby check the Elector’s Roll Checking or Semakan Daftar Pemilih SPR. You checked yours yet. The Malaysia General Election is just round the corner. Dont tell me whom you're gonna vote at this 2008 Malaysia 12th General Election. I'm not voting :P

1 comment:

Dad & Mum said...

Why are you not voting? Are you under 21?