Friday, August 17, 2007

Career advancement tips

The other, one of my girlfriend told me she's feeling really bored at home. I told her she can start a hobby and make full use of her time. Then she will not have that feeling. She says it's tiring taking care of the kids. But, she intends to go back to work once her youngest kid starts schooling soon. Later, she got worried that it might be difficult as she does not have high qualifications and she might have difficulty getting a good job.

I told her since she stays home most of the time, why not enrol herself for an online course that'll help her once she decides to start working next time. Something related to her field of work will be best. There are so many online courses offered these days at an online university like Columbia Southern University. With a degree, i'm sure she'll be able to get a good job later on.

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