Sunday, May 06, 2007

Wanna cuss at screamyx!!!

Hubby called up and asked me what a trojan peptide is. I am to deliver an answer in less than 30minutes time for a presentation he's conducting. See lah, this is what i do. This is always the case. He must call when i'm resting, when i'm inside the toilet, when i'm cooking, when i'm at the backyard, when i'm not at my desk or just when stupid screamyx is acting up all day long.

I've been trying to upload some videos to youtube. This is one video that Gordon took of himself without me knowing, and i found it inside my phone. It's never happened before until a few days ago. And the worst is right after 8pm. I get cut-off from my world every 5 minutes. I lost a few posts that way midway publishing them, knn. And no, i dont have them in drafts. And no, those arent paid posts. And yes, those are ultra long regular posts with lots of pics.... end of rant....


Sweetpea said...

hahaha!! this 'movie' looks like something from the blair witch project. said...

LOL, at least he didn't caught you in your birthday suit, send the pic to flickr and end up on yr blog here. LOL. Or Youtube.