Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Malcolm's ours, MOM!!!!

My eldest sis and my niece dropped by my place on Monday. My niece will be going back to her University later and wants to play with my kids. That day, i saw a side in Gordon which till now, i've never seen before. I told my niece to take Malcolm back with her and she carried him out of the house. And both her mom and she walked to the front door with Malcolm.

Gordon fled to the front and kept pulling me along, pushing me and mumbling all the time, stamping his foot and about to burst into tears already. He wouldnt allow Malcolm to be taken away, lol. insists that i take Malcolm back inside. Despite his constant bullying, i guess he knows for sure that Malcolm is ours and no one should take him away. Ok, i'm assured that he really deos love his brother after all.

1 comment:

Simple American said...

That is so cute. I guess Gorden wants someone to bully and you are too big for him to push around. ;)