Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I cooked Chicken Rice with Mushrooms todayyyy!!!!

I was hungry and dont feel like going out. I was on MSN with shoppingmum and we yadda, yadda, yadda, over lots of issues, kids, family, holidays, opps, hubby, sex blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. She asked me to go cook something. So, why not. I dug some food out from the fridge and this lazy busy efnd mom got down to cooking. Anyway, she says it makes great blogging material also. Ya, hoh.... none of you actually seen me cook also, hoh. Here goes:


I found tons of seafood in the freezer, but as they're all frozen, forget it. I'm famished. I saw chicken drumstick already cut-up in small pieces and a big bagful of mushrooms. So, i marinated the chicken with oyster sauce, sesame oil, sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper and snipped up the mushrooms with a pair of scissors. A cup of rice should be enough for both Gordon and i, and he'll be home soon.


I dumped everything into the rice pot and gautim. Wait for it to get cooked; say 30 minutes gua. I really have no idea. Weii, i dont time the thing, k. Usually, i would have stirred in a tablespoon of thick black soya sauce. But there was none in the kitchen, or maybe i cant find it. Dont care lah. Doesnt really matter. It'll only turn out fair and lovely, lol.


See.... easy right. All it took was what; 10 - 15 minutes of preparation time....


And all this while, Malcolm was grinning and yakking away unintelligibly in the spare stroller. Yes, RED again, lol. He was in the sarong sling at first but he got into the way. So, i brought the stroller in from the guest room and he sat there all the while. Sweet, hoh....koochi, koochi, kooo........... see his two front teeth??? SEEEEEE..... GOTTTT!!! CAN BITE WANNNN!!!


Dunno how long later..... TA DAAAAAAA.............. my Chicken Rice with Mushrooms is ready!!! FUYOHHHHH.... aitelyu; SMELLS DAMN GOOOOOOD!!!! If i were to whack this thing up by myself, i'll add a tablespoon of brandy and some ginger to it.....SYIOKKKKKK!!! But then, Gordon also eating it mah. Dont want him down and out so early, lol.


So, here it is folk. I'm too lazy to go chop some spring onions and add to it. It all goes down and out eventually, so, who cares lah. I only know it'll make the pic look so much nicer with some green in it. You folks go imagine can loh..... hai mm hai. This is Lesson in Chicken Rice with Mushrooms 1-2-3 the MyOrganicLife wayy, wokay. Gerenti idiot-proved. Simple and non time-consuming, YEAH!!!! Want some...... NAHHHHHH!!!!


shoppingmum said...

start a cook blog!!!!!

L B said...

Almost fooled me into thinking that is Lormaikai!!!

may said...

hey, that's how I cook chicken rice too, over here! except no mushrooms. next time I must add, and fool LB into thinking it's lormaikai again! hahaha!

Table4Five said...

That looks delicious! And your son is ADORABLE!

WAHM said...

I wanna eat!!