Largest Blog Comment Chain World Record Attempt
I have to agree when they say the essence of a blog lies with the comments it can generate from its readers. Starting a blog and writing posts is the easy part. Anyone can do it. But, as far as getting comments from its readers, it's a totally different thing. I dont have much of that, i can say. But i attribute to my lack of socialising on my part.
Since i started writing paid posts on my blog, comments have dwindled down to almost nil at times, lol. With the exception of the few close friends that i have made online. I thank you, thank you thank you all for keeping this blog somewhat alive. I simply have no idea where this will eventually lead me to at the end of the day.
Coming back to getting comments, PPP's blog is now aiming for a place in the Guiness Book of Records for the Largest Blog Comment Chain World Record Attempt in one week's time. Can they do it. Of cos, with your support, anything can happen. So, go on. Make it a reality. Drop by PPP's blog and drop a comment of 25 words or more :)

Since i started writing paid posts on my blog, comments have dwindled down to almost nil at times, lol. With the exception of the few close friends that i have made online. I thank you, thank you thank you all for keeping this blog somewhat alive. I simply have no idea where this will eventually lead me to at the end of the day.
Coming back to getting comments, PPP's blog is now aiming for a place in the Guiness Book of Records for the Largest Blog Comment Chain World Record Attempt in one week's time. Can they do it. Of cos, with your support, anything can happen. So, go on. Make it a reality. Drop by PPP's blog and drop a comment of 25 words or more :)
1 comment:
If there's no money involved, do u thk he'll go all out to get it done, lol.
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