Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Outsourcing is a good choice

We ran an interior design firm once. When we first started, there werent that many jobs as we were virtually unknown in the market. Our business finally took off when we completed a retail chain store for a reputable company. Since then, we’ve been getting lots of job offers fro lots of fashion stores.

As we accepted more and more jobs, we found that we’re unable to cope with the ever mounting workload due to lack of staff. The constant running up and down between projects and factories began to wear us out. Someitmes, we had to work overtime for 5 days in a row just to complete a design.

That was until a designer friend of ours recommended that we outsource our jobs to other professionals who do not have the reputation like we do to get so many job offers. In fact, more than we can handle. He told us to outsource them through, a portal for outsourcing projects. It provides free directory listings, a forum and a project auction service for buyers and suppliers of outsourcing services.

We’re so glad we outsourced some of our projects. I dare say those professional really did a good job for us. We can not focus on getting more jobs. It’s a win-win situation for all.


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