Monday, January 22, 2007

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Does this sound like an unknown planet to you. It's not. Many of us have it and most do not like it. It's those rough and bumpy skin at the back of the arms and thighs. Keratosis Pilaris is also commonly known as "chicken skin". Sounds familiar now?

Do you know that people with this skin condition suffers most when they accidentally shave over these areas? They may cut themselves and bleed if they're not careful. One way to soften those bumps is to apply coconut oil onto your skin during a warm shower. Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturiser. A wonderful aid in reducing Keratosis Pilaris, and smells heavenly too.


WAHM said...

Initially, I thought the term sounds like a herb! How's your online store coming along? just wanna say hello..

Samm said...

Hey, it's halfway. Stewpid Blogger keeps locking up my blog after the 50th post. Well, i lost count. WHo can keep count at the rate i'm posting, lol. But i can say it's keeping me very busy and tired all at the same time.