Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm gonna play some poker this Christmas

I got the news today. A few girlfriends of mine are coming back to celebrate Christmas here. Apparently, they are sick and tired of the cold weather during Christmas and would like a change. They've been away for so long. Gawd... i miss them so much. I havent seen them since they left school.

Knowing that i now have 2 lil kids to care for and hardly ever have the opportunity to go out with them, they want to drop by my place instead. But then, i have to take up one challenge. I have to play Strip poker with them as the weather here's so hot. Lucky for me, Christmas is 3 weeks away. I'm off to Mac poker sites now to have a few rounds of practise and to learn some winning strategies, lest i end up nekid.


L B said...

Jeeez! You are going non-stop at this!! LOL!!! Scary! But well, good money. Hope you lose, and post up some pictures of your bra and panties..

Samm said...

yalor, when the going is still good mah. make the most out of it.