Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hp coupons for my friend

The internet's at a crawl today due to earthquake over at Taiwan which damaged some underground cables. Nothing seems done. I called up my friend to check if she can access it via Digi's Edge. She was working at her computer and suddenly i heard a loud pop over the phone. I asked what happened and she told me there was a power surge and her laptop's damaged.

What a pity. It's a fairly new one too. I wonder if it's insured or not. It's not the first time this has happened to her. What's wrong with the current over at her place? Oh well, if she cant get it replaced, she may have to buy a new one. I told her about a website that has HP coupon deals which are updated hourly if she needs to go get a new laptop. Let's just hope her laptop can be repaired.

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