Saturday, November 04, 2006

It's time for a meal and i'm going insane, doohhh!!!

It's now time for Gordon to have his meal. MIL cooked chicken porridge with oysters and ginger. Even the painter gets a bowl. My headache didnt end just now. You think Gordon will now guai-guai, sit down and eat his porridge after the fridge episode? Forget about it.

He was damn happy when he sees me entering the kitchen with his bowl again. Thinks he's getting another cookie or cereal perhaps? The moment he sees me coming out with porridge in the bowl, niamah.... WAILATHON!!! Pushed me back inside and wouldnt let me come out.

What to do, have to go to the fridge and add a handful ofKoko Crunch to his porridge lohhh.

There.... delicious???? At least, to Gordon, it's VERY....

MMMMMMMMMM, i like...... says Gordon.....

Me: .......


Anonymous said...


KoKo Crunch = sweet
porridge = salty


L B said...

Hahaha!!! I want too!!!

Samm said...

may - dohhhhh...

lb - u buy me loh mai kai, i cheah u this , ok, lol

Cocka Doodle said...

Add a few drops of whisky or brandy to the porridge and he won't be pestering you for the rest of the afternoon. LOL

Samm said...

cocka - give the mader better lah. and cocka, stay away from my kid, stay.... sit.... good boy.... *pats cocka's head*

Anonymous said...

why the ibs so damn9 teruk wan? hate this kind of ppl wan. kids dont know anything wan, why cheat them with nonsense like this. haaaaaaate them!

Samm said...

oscar's mommy - dats y i feel like bitch-slapping them most of the time