Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dont call me, no "mum-mum".... says IBS#3, knn...

I'm pissed off now. Knnccb IBS#3 just left. Gordon was playing outside when she dropped by with her 2 whiny kids. I'm busy at the pc as usual. Without my knowing it, she took Gordon to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

Asked him to call her "ku-jeh", if not, no "mum-mum". Everyone knows that Gordon still doesnt talk yet. So, my poor boy came back to the bedroom empty-handed. She left soon after. She was here to get her milk. Hence, the trip to the fridge.

Now, Gordon's crying non-stop and keeps pulling me to the kitchen. I dont like him knowing what's in the fridge or else he'll want to go there all day long; like what he's doing this very instant. How am i going to work liddat? He cant enter by himself cause i installed a safety gate at the entrance.

I'm not being mean or ranty, but i really do HATE IT whenever they drop by. I dont know what else to say which is worse. Taking my kid to a "no entry" zone, opening the fridge, teasing him, or making him leave the kitchen empty-handed with tears running down his cheeks... niamah.

No matter how much i dont like Gordon to have access to the fridge, should he ever step foot into the kitchen when someone leaves the safety gate opened unintentionally or simply on purpose lah, i make sure he leaves happily with at least a small bowl of Koko Crunch, his favourite cereal. If not, more headache for me.

I got him a bowl of cereal just now, but he pushed me back inside and told me to open the fridge. Not knowing what he wants, since he doesnt talk, i have no choice but to let him come in. It's the chocolate chip cookies that he wants. I hate it when he eats those crumbly cookies. Now i have to hide the packet of cookies and tell him "finished already" cos i anticipate another trip to the kitchen soon.... gggrrrrr. He wont stop eating till it's all whacked up.

Should i do it to her 3yr old also when she drops by again? Of cos i wont, bad upbringing, bad karma, bad, bad, bad, no, no, no.....

Now where's the blardy broom...... knn.....


Anonymous said...

BBCCNNRTM!! sounds as if she really likes teasing your son without any thought or guilt. choi!!

s'ok, dun worry... wai yann yau pou yeng gehhh...

L B said...

So thoughtless! So cruel!! So mean, so awful, so horrible, so deserving of the equilvalent of castration! Hahaha, but luckily you are above all that!

Samm said...

may - gggrrrrrrrrr, ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr, .......

lb - wah, castration???? a bit drastic wohhhh said...

I can so relate. My 4-IBS when they popped by usually will buy lots of junks like KFC, pasar malam pizza, greasy buns etc and my hubby, tarak hospitality, told them, Take home, I think the kids don't like to eat. Ngek ngek ngek. Oh, I just love to see their faces!

Samm said...

Yess, that's the way. But sometimes, shud they insist on leaving it behind, i'll wont resist throwing them all away.

Anonymous said...


Someone is impersonating you. Or rather, using your URL.

Samm said...

Thx for the info. I checked that out. Mistake mebbe??? Yes??? No???