Sunday, November 05, 2006

Damn interesting overseas phonecall with hubby


Received overseas missed call. Must be hubby, so i returned call. Here's our conversation:

Me: Yes.. you called?

Hubby: Ya, work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Work related.....

Me: Work related.....

Hubby: Ok, bye.....

Me: .....

Conclusion: @ 50c/minute using Maxis, i'm now Rm10 down......


L B said...

How come I keep chupping here, but you can't at mine?!!! LOLOL!@!!!! APPLE APPLE APPLE!!!

Samm said...

lb - dun know leh, now whr's my spareribs vf marmite?

L B said...

coming soon. Hold your horses for another few minutes more!!!

Anonymous said...

work work work... aiseh... no "hello honey, how are you"?

Anonymous said...

aikes! how come never ask abt kids and you wan? nemermind la, when he returns, you'll be heavily compensated with some terra gifts, maybe....

Anonymous said...

ya lor..what happened to hello how are things or at least ask about kids leh?? MEN!