Thursday, March 02, 2006

I let you burn my brand new single cd, very nice wannn.....

IBS: Eh, you listen to music wan or not?

Me: No.

IBS: Cheh, and i thought i'd lend you my latest cd to burn. (Wahhhh, like i so hard-up for it, ptuiiii....)

Me: Dont like noises distracting me from my work. Your voice included.

IBS: Brand new top-of-the-charts songs by this singer woh. (Mentions some cheenapek singer's name only she knows)

Me: No need. If i want to listen to dungu artists, i'll just download can already.

IBS: How long does it take to burn 1 cd?

Me: A few minutes.

IBS: How much ah to burn one?

Me: About a dollar.

IBS: Good, burn one lah now. (Conjures cd out of nowhere)

Me: Told you i dont listen to songs.

IBS: No, burn for my husband one. So that he can listen to it in his car.

Me: No time.

IBS: You say a few minutes only mah.

Me: Yes, but i dont burn cds when i'm working.

IBS: What time are you free then?

Me: After 4pm, during Gordon's nap.

IBS: Then, i come again at 4pm.

Me: What makes you think i'd burn it for you then. You can leave the cd here together with a blank, and come collect it anytime after 4pm. I'll leave it outside. Dont come into the room.

IBS: But i want to listen to it now woh. You dont have blank cds meh? You burn cds all the time. What about those in your cupboard?

Me: I know, those cds are for work related stuffs and i need them afterwards. Sorry.

IBS: I'll pay you lah. For both the cd and service charge too.

Me: No. Please get out of the room. You're disturbing my work.

IBS: Leaves with a black face....

Diu, i knew it the moment she steps into my room and starts playing with Gordon that she wants a favor. She thinks she can demand that i stop my work and burn one single cd for her. So generous, hoh. Lend me her brand new cd to burn somemore. Want me to burn one for her husband, say so lah directly. Why beat around the bush?? So rich, then go buy another for your husband lah, no need to burn wan, cheapo. Knnccb......


Pe.tra said...

First off a big *hug*..

Secondly you have me laughing my arse off !!

You tell a great story...

:-) *Thanks* for sharing your life with us...

Always a pleasure to read !!!

XoXo ^.^

Jeremy C said...

wow, you so brutal one...remind me never to piss you off :P

ZMM said...

This is the real conversation that took place? Wow... brutal and direct..

Who's this IBS?

Samm said...

peety - thx for dropping by ever so often. my homelife is never mundane, with so much happening, lol

jeremy c - yes, i can very brutal at times when the occasion calls for it and this is one of them. she equates people who sits at the pc all day to very free wannn.

zara's mama - yup, just now. but she very thick faced one lah. she'll come by asking for another favor in no time. why make life so convenient for her at my expense?

i did not refuse to burn it for her what. just that she doesnt want to leave it behind and come collect later.

i remember once when Gordon was just about 4 months old. i had a VERY urgent (last minute) business meeting to attend and i asked her to help keep an eye on him for half an hour only as she's the ONLY one available to help then.

i said i'd drive him over and pick him up as we stay VERY nearby. I even scheduled the appointment at a coffeeshop walking distance from her house. Gordon's well fed, bathed and it's his sleeptime and will sleep when rocked in his pram then.

the moment i asked, she instantly said, "of course cannot lah" and slammed down the phone.

so, you want me to be nice to this kind of selfish person? i hate asking for favors as i dont like to owe people anything.

btw, IBS is the rich SIL who bought the water filter from me b4 CNY.

King's wife said...

ah, i was also wondering who IBS is...
so, everything sorted out with the water filter?

Samm said...

king's wife - lol, u might want to refer to this

well, she's no longer ranting about her water filter. so, i guess installed ledi lah.

Cocka Doodle said...

Oic..that same woman who gave you a 'cash' cheque. LOL
why don't you burn some erotic music for her hubby to play in the car. Then claim that there is something wrong with your puter.

Samm said...

cocka doodle - what!!!??? and have him wanking to MY music in his car, no way.

Helen said...

LOL.. so this is the same lady who thinks her money is 100x bigger than the mortals one ar?? Since you know she is so cheap, just tell her you usually charge RM10 per disk.

Your time, electricity, plus petrol used to buy the disk.

Cocka Doodle said...

why not? So that when he goes home, he'll be too shacked to shag the missus. Deprive her further mah. LOL

L B said...

LOL, Samm!!!! WTG!!! I like your style! No play play wan..

My 3BT said...


My two cents... Don't ever help your in laws UNLESS they're worth it... after the last water filter episode... I'll bet she'll pass you another cash cheque for the CD too... hahahaha

Anonymous said...

you really told her that her voice disturbs your work ? hahaha. good one. but I'm sure thick skinned people like her won't feel the stinging remark.

Samm said...

Helen - the best part of these stupid lil games we play is that i love to torture her. it sucks when one has to lose all the time.

cocka doodle - her sex life would be the last thing in my mind

lb - she wont feel it wn lah, with that cow-hide of hers. she'll come running for another favor soon, trust me. it never ends, lol

brian - yup, u're so right.