Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is it a Pussycat? Is it a Birdie? NOOOO.... it's a KKC!!

So, guys, remember to check your reflections in the glass before you take any pictures naked waistdown. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, birdie, birdie, birdie....


Shiny Blue Black said...

WHY ? WHY?!!!

My eyes.... MY EYES!!!

I hope that is no-one you know because... seriously... not a very nice.. umm... birdie...

5xmom.com said...

So tiny, so thin. Poor thang. And I don't mean the doggie. LOL.

King's wife said...

OMG, who (what) is that? someone u know?

Samm said...

infinite bowel - shall i post some luk-yau-yip (pomelo leaves) for you to wash your eyes, lol

5xMom - a real pitiful sight

King's wife - No, not my cat, not my dog, not my bird, not my kkc....

Anonymous said...

at first, I was looking at the weird looking cat. No kkc ah...then AIYA! I noticed the window!!! My eyes! My eyes! hAhahaahhahah

Lin Peh said...

whose KKC is it ? hubby punya ? LOL

Helen said...

OMG!! Where on earth did u find that photo?? lol Anyone u know???

Nice doggie but bad birdie!!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, this reminds me of a joke i received a few days ago:

Look at the following picture


How can you tell that the following apartment is owned by a guy ?

Jeremy C said...

oh man!! *washing eyes in the basin* what a sight to behold... *ROFL*

Samm, you've done it again!

Samm said...

Simmie - better go find some pomelo leaves, QUICK!!

Lin Peh - aiyo, dat one angmoh kkc lah. so white, almost colorless, and very lifeless also, hahahaha

helen - ugly "white" birdie, lol

arkane - KAKAKAKAKA! What a pic!!

jeremy c - eyes better now?

Lin Peh said...

That means hubby punya KKC is not white, dark (never understand why kkc always darker), and lively ? LOL

Samm said...

Lin Peh - urs must be like chameleon or glow in the dark type?

ZMM said...

I thought you said the dog looks like kkj, thn see closer, only saw the reflection.. :P

Luckly not mostrous kkj.. hahahaha.

Lin Peh said...

Glow in dark ? How I wish ! only when I wear the glow in dark condom la ! LOL !

Samm said...

Lin Peh - where buy? u selling?
i want some too, lol

Samm said...

zara'a mama - lol, everyone was saying what a small kkj it is..

Lin Peh said...

I no sell la. Will give it to u for free if u tell me how to locate u. U can have new one or used one (don't worry...can still glow and grow). You make the call.

Anonymous said...

On this, had to write. My first, here....!!
Arghh! Deflowered..............

Samm said...

mc - welcome and thx for visiting my blog, hehe