We're all down and out :(
These three days' been awful. Papa is walking around with a sore and swollen eye due to an infection whilst both Gordon and myself are down with food poisoning.

Main suspect
I think it all started on Saturday night when we went out to eat "Nasi Goreng America" at a different stall. It's a Malay stall that sells Thai food. I was already not feeling well that same night, with an impending heachache but no tummy ache whatsoever. Papa felt some heat in his left eye which he suspected will swell by morning and boy, was he right. So, i went out to buy him Fucithalmic ointment. I've been having mild stomache cramps since Monday, nothing severe. Gordon was still okay on Monday but i can sense that he's not his usual jovial self.
All hell broke loose yesterday. Gordon's diarrheoa worsen by noon and myself was feeling really crappy too. Gordon poos like every 30 minutes and right after he woke up from his nap, every 15 minutes or so. Mine's also getting worse by the hour. Papa did not feel any cramps or show any sign of diarrheoa as his favourite pastime is to hog the loo almost all day long, so, cant really tell whether he has it or not.
All three of us were already at the front door on our way to the doctor when Gordon needed another nappy change. So, i took him inside again. His bottom was all red and sore already and he'd wail whenever i wash his bum, poor thing. I took him back into the bedroom and he pooed all over the carpet almost immediately. Yeah, u heard me right; it was that bad. All over the carpet!! So, i sprayed Avene Thermal Spring Water all over his bum to soothe his pain, quickly had him changed into fresh nappy and left him with hubby to put his shoes on. I had to take the huge carpet into the garden and hang it over the fence for the time being whilst hubby argued on why cant that wait till we come back, blah, blah, blah.
Men! Like he's gonna help me with that. Whining all the time over his uncomfortable eye, cannot find tissue anywhere in the house, no more towels, blah, blah, blah, whilst i still had to babysit them both. And i'm not exactly feeling well myself too. Well, i'm not complaining because Gordon needs me and i'm not an invalid. See, how patient i am. I'm beginning to think i'd make a damn great nurse. Maybe i should just don a short, sexy nurse' uniform with garter belts and no underwear and nurse him, that'll surely make him horny and stop whining.
I gave Gordon his medication as soon as we got home from the clinic. I stepped out of the room for 10 seconds to wet his hanky and he poured the entire bottle of his med for tummy ache all over the table and floor. I comfort myself as it's not the diarrheoa med that got poured out. Ok, my fault for forgetting to screw the cover back onto the bottle. So, more cleaning. Whilst i cleaned, hubby again was blah, blah, blahing as to why i didnt close the cover before i step out of the room. MF. I just felt like poisoning him then.
I left Gordon with him and went out to the garden to hose down the soiled carpet. And there's laundry waiting in the washing machine too, knn. When will it ever end. By nightime, Gordon's running a slight fever which i suspect is due to his teething. Nothing of concern. Just need monitoring.
Gordon's still having a lil fever till now. He's been really quiet all day long. Hubby's swollen eye is still bad and i was thinking of sending him off on a "All Expenses Paid 3 days 2 nights Vacation" at Ipoh Specialist Hospital. He can then whine to all the nurses there for all i care. I went to the Chinese Medical shop to buy some chrysanthemum to make tea for him and the sinseh told me to soften some "sang-tei" (i dont know what it's called in english, k) in hot water, and use it as a poultice over his eye to ease his suffering. No need to go on vacation woh. So, i bought $2 chrysanthemum and $2 sang-tei.

Well, no harm trying mah. I applied some over his eye about an hour ago and he just walked in and told me that his swelling has somehow softened and he's able to squeeze out a wee bit of pus. Oh, that's a good sign. He's been complaining about the bulge since Monday. Hubby's a veteran on eye infections, it's genetic, and a professional when it comes to squeezing pus out of his eyelids but this time, it's just too deep. He's not granting me a picture of it, sorry. Really, i pleaded.
I'll be applying another round of sang-tei on his eye again later. Lets see what happens. And me, i'm feeling much better already, only occasional slight tummy cramps. Taking care of the both of them really made me forget about myself.
Gotta go, the chrysanthemum's ready and he wants it like NOW. Hopefully more later, ya.

Main suspect
I think it all started on Saturday night when we went out to eat "Nasi Goreng America" at a different stall. It's a Malay stall that sells Thai food. I was already not feeling well that same night, with an impending heachache but no tummy ache whatsoever. Papa felt some heat in his left eye which he suspected will swell by morning and boy, was he right. So, i went out to buy him Fucithalmic ointment. I've been having mild stomache cramps since Monday, nothing severe. Gordon was still okay on Monday but i can sense that he's not his usual jovial self.
All hell broke loose yesterday. Gordon's diarrheoa worsen by noon and myself was feeling really crappy too. Gordon poos like every 30 minutes and right after he woke up from his nap, every 15 minutes or so. Mine's also getting worse by the hour. Papa did not feel any cramps or show any sign of diarrheoa as his favourite pastime is to hog the loo almost all day long, so, cant really tell whether he has it or not.
All three of us were already at the front door on our way to the doctor when Gordon needed another nappy change. So, i took him inside again. His bottom was all red and sore already and he'd wail whenever i wash his bum, poor thing. I took him back into the bedroom and he pooed all over the carpet almost immediately. Yeah, u heard me right; it was that bad. All over the carpet!! So, i sprayed Avene Thermal Spring Water all over his bum to soothe his pain, quickly had him changed into fresh nappy and left him with hubby to put his shoes on. I had to take the huge carpet into the garden and hang it over the fence for the time being whilst hubby argued on why cant that wait till we come back, blah, blah, blah.
Men! Like he's gonna help me with that. Whining all the time over his uncomfortable eye, cannot find tissue anywhere in the house, no more towels, blah, blah, blah, whilst i still had to babysit them both. And i'm not exactly feeling well myself too. Well, i'm not complaining because Gordon needs me and i'm not an invalid. See, how patient i am. I'm beginning to think i'd make a damn great nurse. Maybe i should just don a short, sexy nurse' uniform with garter belts and no underwear and nurse him, that'll surely make him horny and stop whining.
I gave Gordon his medication as soon as we got home from the clinic. I stepped out of the room for 10 seconds to wet his hanky and he poured the entire bottle of his med for tummy ache all over the table and floor. I comfort myself as it's not the diarrheoa med that got poured out. Ok, my fault for forgetting to screw the cover back onto the bottle. So, more cleaning. Whilst i cleaned, hubby again was blah, blah, blahing as to why i didnt close the cover before i step out of the room. MF. I just felt like poisoning him then.
I left Gordon with him and went out to the garden to hose down the soiled carpet. And there's laundry waiting in the washing machine too, knn. When will it ever end. By nightime, Gordon's running a slight fever which i suspect is due to his teething. Nothing of concern. Just need monitoring.
Gordon's still having a lil fever till now. He's been really quiet all day long. Hubby's swollen eye is still bad and i was thinking of sending him off on a "All Expenses Paid 3 days 2 nights Vacation" at Ipoh Specialist Hospital. He can then whine to all the nurses there for all i care. I went to the Chinese Medical shop to buy some chrysanthemum to make tea for him and the sinseh told me to soften some "sang-tei" (i dont know what it's called in english, k) in hot water, and use it as a poultice over his eye to ease his suffering. No need to go on vacation woh. So, i bought $2 chrysanthemum and $2 sang-tei.

Well, no harm trying mah. I applied some over his eye about an hour ago and he just walked in and told me that his swelling has somehow softened and he's able to squeeze out a wee bit of pus. Oh, that's a good sign. He's been complaining about the bulge since Monday. Hubby's a veteran on eye infections, it's genetic, and a professional when it comes to squeezing pus out of his eyelids but this time, it's just too deep. He's not granting me a picture of it, sorry. Really, i pleaded.
I'll be applying another round of sang-tei on his eye again later. Lets see what happens. And me, i'm feeling much better already, only occasional slight tummy cramps. Taking care of the both of them really made me forget about myself.
Gotta go, the chrysanthemum's ready and he wants it like NOW. Hopefully more later, ya.
Ugggh...nursing (and I mean a hospital nurse kinda nurse, not put the tetek to the mouth type) a sick man is really a pain in the ass. Like my man oso. Fuyoh, if he sick, even just a wee bit, I sure feel like committing suicide attending to his demands. LOL.
Get well soon, you all!
samm, u poor thing. and poor lil organic gordon and ur hubby too. it's like the old adage: when they come, they all come. *sigh* hope you all get well soon.
5xmom : LOL...the types of nurses...haha
5xMom - if only putting my tetek into his mouth will stop all his whinings.... wait, i try afturds. He's in the loo again.
jeremy c - tenkiu *hugs*
get well soon, ok? take care...
king's wife - thanks
the big baby is more whiney ah?
You sure it's the food and not the seeing other ppl's kkj (in your other post) that cause e.body to be sick. :P
zara's mama - ya woh, food brought us down, not kkj :(
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