Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dream Stories: The Girl In The Mercedes Benz

It started with me on a bicycle, being brushed at the side whilst about to stop at the traffic lights. The driver was a young girl, probably in her teens. With a few more in side the car. It was a Mercedes Benz, no idea the make. She then opened her windows and proceeded to show me her fist. There was a policeman nearby and i waved at him to come over to mediate things between myself and the car driver. Things obviously didnt go very well. We then had to part when the lights turned green. 

Next scene was at a building. I was rushing through doors trying to locate the driver. I finally found her and a fight ensued. Her parents appeared, along with her siblings of different ages and genders. The scene got pretty chaotic. We parted ways later. 

A car arrived at my doorstep and a woman appeared. She's the mother of the driver, here to apologize and handed me some cash for all the trouble her daughter had caused. I refused to accept and wanted an apology from her daughter instead. She invite me out for a meal and i agreed. The dream ended this way.

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