Thursday, April 29, 2010

Anyone here looking for cheap car insurance?

It's a very rushed afternoon for me. Hubby had to run "his" errands, and i also have to run some of "his" for him. Each of us is in different cars to save time. The roads are jam-packed with vehicles ferrying their kids to and fro school. It's always this way around 1pm. Given the choice, i just want to head over to Parkson and sit there till it's time to go back and have recess with my kid.

In the midst of banking, i suddenly remembered i have some assignments datelines to meet. So, there goes my lunch and here i am now, tucking into a bowl of Maggi Mee with an egg and some roasted pork. Not bad also considering i get to sit in the comfort of my air-conditioned room, lol. I just pray the phone wont ring. I bet you it's hubby wanting me to do something for him.

On my way into the house just now, my neighbor popped his head over the fence and asked me if it's okay for him to help us renew our car insurance when it expires. I think he meant my in-law's, certainly not mine as i just bought my car. Anyway, i told him it's better for him to ask them directly. 

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