Thursday, November 12, 2009

Malcolm drawing an egg by himself

Malcolm is honing his drawing skills at the magnetic drawing board. He just drew an egg for me. I'm lucky to catch it on my phone before he erased everything. See how important it is to have the phone hanging from your neck when you're with kids, lol. Really not bad haimai considering he just turned 3 in July. He's getting more and more interested in drawing and will always bring the magnetic board up to me so that i can hold his little in mine and draw whatever my boys wants. His favorites being the car, truck, lorry and train. And no, he cant draw those yet. Only the egg so far. But wait ya. It takes lots of patience and training. If you are considering a good tool to help your kid draw, buy this Disney magnetic board. Not the Doodle Pro please. That one's lousy. I know cos i have both. It's also cheaper by about 10 bucks and produces smooth fine lines. Got mine from Jaya Jusco.

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