Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Looking for the best web hosting company

As a blogger, there are two very important things that can screw up my day. The first is if my internet line is down. And second, my host or server is down. Now, i can resolve the first as i have wireless broadband on standby. As for the hosting part, there's nothing much i can do about it except to shoot my hosting company an email and wait for them to get it running again.

This happened to me. I was running a campaign and everything went well till 4am. That's the time i usually go to bed. The next morning, i went and check my stats and found that there was no traffic since 4.30am. My blog was down and that incident alone caused me some losses. I was so tempted to move my blogs to a different hosting company.

I just came across this blog and found where to find the best web hosting company out there. I havent decided which package to sign up for as my blog empire keeps growing by the day. But if you are looking for the best web hosting company, you may want to check out the link i provided here.

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