Sunday, February 03, 2008

Throw, throw, throw.... everything must go

Damn, i'm tired like hell. I finally did something that i've been meaning to do for the past few years but never really got down to it due to blah, blah, blah and blah. So, what made me so tired, eh. I told hubby we really have to clear out the guest room. There are so much junk in there that if we dont throw them away, we'll never have space for new things, lol. Wuah, you can guess how threatening that sounds to a shopaholic, hoh. Not me, HIM.

So, i think we've cleared more than 70% of what's inside the room. I also took the opportunity to pack away all those old clothes of mine and my kids. Neh, those designer clothes i used to wear during my non-silai days, lol. No idea how much i have thrown away, but let's just say they are in the region of rm30k or so. The only thing left to do is to make sure they disappear from this house forever by tomorrow, or latest by Tuesday lah. Next on, MY ROOM.... now that's a different story altogether....

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