Monday, August 20, 2007

Website optimization firm

A funny thing happened this afternoon. We were having lunch at my friend's restaurant when he walked up to greet us. I was giving a presentation with my notebook to a customer and i invited him to sit down together with us.It was well past lunch hour and there wasn’t much for him to do so he joined us. Right after the presentation, we talked about the food that we had earlier and commented that it tastes really good.

He then told us that he just launched his restaurant’s website and asked me to search for it. So, I went ahead and keyed in the name of his restaurant. And you know what happened….. instead of his restaurant’s website coming up first on the search result page, MINE came up instead, lol. His was no where to be found. I even saw my friend’s website as the third result. I wrote an article about one of his specialty dishes before with a few keywords about his restaurant. He was baffled.

I think its time he hire a professional website optimization firm and redo his website with all the right keywords. A professional website optimization firm like (TBS) that has top ten "Organic" ranking on the major search engines could catapult his business. He’s better consult them if he really want his restaurant’s website to turn up on the number 1 spot in the search result.

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