Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wet mail

Wet mail, originally uploaded by OrganicSamm.

Sometimes, the dumb things that the mailman does can really make me mad. So, the mailbox is a tad too small for the letters, so that knn just conveniently slot the letters between the railings on the gate and left it there. No one was home. We came home from lunch and found it all wet.

The big one is hubby's. The smaller one is IBS'. Still.... all wet. If it's some important Gahmen documents, then that fler sure's gonna get it from him. So, should i give him a piece of my organic mind on Thursday?


Simple American said...

That is maddening. Yep. You should meet him for sure.

may said...

wet mail I dun mind. missing mail, I mind!