I bought my first packet of Vitameal from Nuskin when i was pregnant with Malcolm. That was more than a year ago already. I didnt have much appetite then and so, this is very good and provides all the nourishment as an all-in-one meal. I still eat this occasionally. It has all the health benefits packed into a a small packet that's essential to growth, especially for children. Health- benefits wise, i'll give it a 9 out of 10. But i can tell you it really tastes downright AWFUL. I'll rate it an 8 out of 10.

I'm not a very choosy person as far as food's concern. I only want it healthy, fair enough. Some taste, i can acquire. But this is one that i'll have to give up on. I've tried some of the recipes in this book, but still, i dont like any of it, neither does Gordon. It has that bitter aftertaste that clings to your throat long after you've swallowed. What i do now is to mix it with my regular organic rice to make it taste better. From 50:50 down to 30:70, and moving down to 20:80. 20 being the vitameal, k. It's going to take a long time to whack it all up. I hate seeing good healthy food go to waste....... BLEKKKKKKK!!!
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