Saturday, April 07, 2007

Public communication system

Have you ever had the feeling that you've been had? Taken for a ride; cheated; short-changed? All pent up with frustrations and no where to vent it. It's happened to me before. When i was younger and naive, i've been offered a job in KL. The pay was good, with relocation fees and accomodation all taken care of by the new company.

Everything went well at first. My pay was on time. Tax all corretly deducted and EPF banked in. By the third month, things started to change and my paycheck came in later and later. Then, on my fifth month at the company, the checks stopped coming in and the directors were no where to be found. Then, one day when we turned up at the office, the doors all locked up. The company has folded.

Can you imagine how angry iwas then. I went to some government agency to file a report and claim but they told me they cant help me. Told me to speak with a lawyer instead. If only i knew of then. Beenfunkd is a place for people like me to turn to when they feel they have been taken advantage of by a business owner, a neighbor, a customer, an employer or an employee. What can you do about it? You can now easily and inexpensively record your side of the story publicly, taking a proactive stance against dishonesty. Make it known to the public what rogues those people are.

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