I didnt go out for once today. After a while, it gets really tiring. So, i made an excuse about something, and got hubby to buy me back some food in mid-noon. I asked for lormaikai for dessert if possible and he did manage to get me one. Now, you know how much he loves me, hoh...

Actually, there were other food for Gordon too. So, i let him try out one by one until he's had enough and would leave me alone to eat peacefully. I left Malcolm in hubby's care after i nursed him. he was happy with papa around. Half the time, he ignores me with Hubby around unless he wants to nurse, cheh.

There was a lot of paperwork from the office. For reasons known only to cb Firefox, i cannot load
Pubic Public Bank's and Citibank's ebanking site. Nor can i load it from IE, knn. I guess it's time i reformat my pc. I went and downloaded Opera, and it worked. At least for Public Bank. WTF's the matter with Citibank's site. I called up customer service and they kept telling em nothing's wrong.

I printed claims for this month, but cant submit yet cos it's not month end, and i bet there'll be more to claim. I damn sien doing this. But what to do... just like everyone else, i got a real life too.... lol. Eh, 5 figure to claim every month leh. If i dont claim i eat what lehhh. Think swipe Platinum card so song ah.....
*sticks tongue out*
LOL!!! So wicked wan!!!! But I still love you too!
now, that's the REAL lormaikai! I miss that. the ones here is just horyipfann. not that it isn't nice, but it just isn't the Real Thing™ lor.
Wah, the LMK sure looks so tempting. I really miss Ipoh food.
Eh Samm btw, I dont knw why i cant seem to upload pix into my blog articles since yestrday afternoon. I'm using FireFox. You sound very 'keng' in your IT knowledge. Care to help me troubleshoot?
lb & ah may - faster comae back to Ipoh, both of you.
healthfreakmommy - I belanja u, k. And as for the pic upload thing in blogger, i use the picture icon on the write post top bar. If not, the easiest wld be to hotlink from flickr. Mine, some i send via email thru flickr to my blogs. But, that's another story all on its own.
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