Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models!

I was at the swimsuit department last week checking out those hot and sexy bikinis. My, so many new designs are out. That shows how long I’ve not been shopping at his section of the mall. All the posters on the walls have been changes to reflect all the new models and swimsuit designs. Wow, so hot…. So sexy…. Which should I buy????
Hubby sauntered up and whispered, “ No need to see already… the Valentine’s day Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is out. Can see those models anytime now. Only need to download cellphone wallpapers of all my favorite SI models. All from those magazine photo shoots. Cost $1.99each only. Can download all 50 if I want to. I want Heidi Klum and Molly Sims. There’s also videos and ringtones….”
Ah, then… good lah. I don’t have to buy any new bikinis now. Can go buy something else. No need to get him anything else this Valentine’s Day. This magazine will suffice. Might as well download all his favourite models onto his cellphone for him also. He can go ahead and keep his eyes glued to his cellphone all day long. Hmmmm… I wonder of he’ll also download those video clips and watch them while he poos or not, hahahaha.
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