No! I cant live without my Epilady
I'm dead tired right now. I've just spent one whole hour epilating both my feet. I know what you must be thinking. How come this woman epilates her legs in the middle of the night. Hey, i can only take a long and luxurious hot bath after the kids have gone to bed, k.

And that's what i do before i conduct the most exquisitely painful fortnightly routine of mine. A girl need to take her time to exfoliate her legs with a loofah to get those ingrown hairs to come out of hiding. And believe you me this is one thing i hate about epilating. I need to give my legs a good scrub with the loofah every time i take a shower or else, face the consequences of having ingrown hairs.....blekkk.

Many people have asked me why i subject myself to such torture just to remove some body hair when there are many other body hair removal methods. Frankly speaking, i've had enough of nicks and cuts with the shaving blade. Waxing is too messy for my liking. I dont have the time and luxury to go to a salon to get my legs profesionally pampered, nor can i afford electrolysis. So, what else can a girl do, utelmi.

That leaves the epilator as the ultimate choice for me. Though time-consuming, i can vouch on the fact that you can get at least 2 weeks (depends on your rate of hair-growth) of hair-free days using a good epilator. If you want a good recommendation, check out this Epilady Legend Cordless Epilator from This is what i use and it's the fastest and most powerful epilator around. I'd rather die if you ask me to stop using it.
And for those who just cannot live without a shaver, well, you may to get the Epilady Duet 2-in-1 Hair Removal System. It has two heads; one for the epilator and the shaver is at the other end. Ah, see how convenient it is.
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