My PayPerPost earnings
To date, according to my PayPerPost's dashboard's stats, I've earned a total of $965.91. I joined PayPerPost last year on 17 Nov writing sponsored content. And i have written a total of 184 opps. Hey, that's a hell lot of writings in a few short months, k. Believe you me when i say i've never written that much even during my school years.
Who can say no to more money? Helps towards household expenses and i can now buy stuffs for my kids withouth having to think twice. I've been wanting to get myself a digital camera for sometime already. As my toddler started schooling this year, the purchase has been pushed back to a later date. Now, i've even increased the budget by 100%. I can buy a much much better camera. Even a DSLR if i find one that i like.
After that, i'll save up all my earnings in a special account. Those can serve as our family's emergency funds or my kids' fyture education funds. Or maybe use that to go on that well-deserved holiday. I should really reward myself for working hard all day long, taking care of my family and kids, and writing paid posts too.
I'm more than happy to say that this year, all my nieces and nephews will be getting FAT ANGPOWS from ME!! And of course, i'll treat my family members to a nice dinner at a restaurant of their choice. And my kids and hubby will be getting lots of new clothes from me.... I'M PAYING!!!!

Who can say no to more money? Helps towards household expenses and i can now buy stuffs for my kids withouth having to think twice. I've been wanting to get myself a digital camera for sometime already. As my toddler started schooling this year, the purchase has been pushed back to a later date. Now, i've even increased the budget by 100%. I can buy a much much better camera. Even a DSLR if i find one that i like.
After that, i'll save up all my earnings in a special account. Those can serve as our family's emergency funds or my kids' fyture education funds. Or maybe use that to go on that well-deserved holiday. I should really reward myself for working hard all day long, taking care of my family and kids, and writing paid posts too.
I'm more than happy to say that this year, all my nieces and nephews will be getting FAT ANGPOWS from ME!! And of course, i'll treat my family members to a nice dinner at a restaurant of their choice. And my kids and hubby will be getting lots of new clothes from me.... I'M PAYING!!!!
Don't forget your ardent supporter, ok?!!! KKKKKK I LAFF U TOOO!!!
*Clap clap* Well done woman :)
wah! next time i come Ipoh, hor fun on you ah!
wow..."fatt da loh", when's my turn to earn that much!!!
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