Friday, February 23, 2007

Hairwash at 4.30am?????

No, not me. You think i chisin (crazy) or what. I was about to go take a pee when i heard the shower being turned on from my bedroom. The bathroom's right outside my bedroom. So, i sat and waited till it stopped. I thought someone was in there washing their soiled feet or something like that, but apparently, no.

I heard the sound of hair mousse being pumped from outside shortly after. HHAAARRRHHH??? Since when do people wash their hair at this ungodly hour. Ok, i can understand it if you cant sleep well due to an itchy scalp and have to wash it, blow dry it and get back in bed. But apply mousse? For who to see at this hour? Meeting someone in your dreams meh? Or issit another sleepwalking thingy. You know, hoh.... people do weird things when they sleepwalk, lol.

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